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Dark Elf Dice Blog
New Dark Sword Miniatures October 2018
Kitsune And Tengu Miniatures Rock The House
New Reaper Miniatures Feature The Red Raven
BattleHive II: Maxium Storage For Your Biggest Armies
Thief Miniatures: 6 Awesome RPG Minis For Your Next Role Playing Game
The thief is one of the most fun and challenging classes to play in Dungeons & Dragons and a host of other RPG games.
No matter what fantasy role playing game you play, the thief class is one of the stalwarts of the genre. Lots of players enjoy playing the thief. Whether roguishly charming or sneaky and stealthy, the thief relies on cunning and skill.
Chronoscope Miniatures Are Out Of This World
Chronoscope miniatures offer something new for RPG gaming.
Back in the early days of table top role playing, RPGs were often referred to as "pen and paper" games. Game Master's would create fantasy worlds out of their imaginations, spinning epic tales and describing scenes in great detail. Players would share this vision, and chart the world their characters moved through on graph paper.
Pathfinder Flip-Mats Are Flipping Awesome
Pathfinder Flip-Mats can add depth and richness to any fantasy RPG game.
When it comes to fantasy RPGs, there's been quite a few innovations over the years, and as a lifelong Game Master, I've always been interested in products that help suspend my players' disbelief. Fantasy role playing is all about the imagination after all, and anything that helps gamers visualize the world they adventure in is beneficial.