Pathfinder Flip-Mats can add depth and richness to any fantasy RPG game.

When it comes to fantasy RPGs, there's been quite a few innovations over the years, and as a lifelong Game Master, I've always been interested in products that help suspend my players' disbelief. Fantasy role playing is all about the imagination after all, and anything that helps gamers visualize the world they adventure in is beneficial.

Pathfinder Flip-Mats

I've always been a big fan of vinyl RPG game mats. Grid mats like the Combat Mat and Megamat allow Game Masters, such as myself, to sketch out the rooms and dungeons my players crawl through. In general, game mats help players get a bearing on their surroundings, and allow for the positioning of RPG miniatures.

One of the more recent gaming innovations though, is the Pathfinder Flip-Mat. Flip-Mats have the same benefits of their vinyl grid predecessors, but can really add an unparalleled layer of depth and richness to any fantasy RPG game.

Pathfinder Flip Mats Closeup

Flip-Mat Benefits

For starters, every Pathfinder Flip-Mat is reversible, with a printed game mat in stunning color. Each side is expertly illustrated, giving players a more finished view of their surroundings. Every Flip-Mat is richly detailed, and it's these details that help gamers visualize their fantasy world.

Pathfinder Flip-Mats come in a variety of flavors, and are designed around unique fantasy themes. Some of the ones I find the most useful in my campaigns are the Seedy Tavern and Village Square -- excellent locales for story hooks. I've also used less generalized Flip-Mats like the Desert Ruins and Giant Lairs for a week's worth of extended RPG battles and exploration. Overall, Pathfinder Flip-Mats offer a host of themes that can inspire both Game Masters and players.

Here's a breakdown of how Pathfinder Flip-Mats can help your game:

  1. Flip-Mats are pre-printed with richly detailed fantasy environments.
  2. Flip-Mats save valuable time, helping players visualize their surroundings and getting them right into the action.
  3. Flip-Mats are printed with a coated surface, allowing for the use of wet and dry erase markers (helpful for notes, tracking hit points, etc.).
  4. Flip-Mats are versatile, and can be used for Pathfinder, Dungeon & Dragons, and any fantasy role playing game.

Pathfinder Flip Mats

Final Thoughts

With their many unique themes, Pathfinder Flip-Mats are a useful accessory for just about any RPG campaign. Game Masters will appreciate the game mat's ease of use, while players will enjoy the richly detailed environments.

We stock a nice assortment here at Dark Elf Dice, and if you're interested, I'm sure you'll find one or two that will appeal to your gaming group. If so, you can save 10% off any Pathfinder Flip-Mat through the end of this month. Simply use the coupon code FLIP at the time of checkout. Until next time, fellow travelers! Remember to make each and everyday an adventure.

Shane Scarbrough
Tagged: RPG Miniatures
Shane Scarbrough

I'm the owner of Dark Elf Dice -- one of the oldest dnd dice shops on the internet. When I'm not rolling nat 20s I'm collecting and painting tabletop miniatures.

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